Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractFilter

Uses of AbstractFilter in com.jmw.tzap

Subclasses of AbstractFilter in com.jmw.tzap
 class IteratingFilter
          Base class for simple filters, runs all FilterFiles through the filter one at a time.
 class SplitFilter
          Abstract filter for splitting single files into many files.

Fields in com.jmw.tzap declared as AbstractFilter
protected  AbstractFilter[] TextZapTask.filters
          An array of the filters added to this task

Methods in com.jmw.tzap that return AbstractFilter
 AbstractFilter Filter.getFilter()

Methods in com.jmw.tzap with parameters of type AbstractFilter
 void TextZapTask.add(AbstractFilter filter)
          Adds an output filter

Uses of AbstractFilter in com.jmw.tzap.filters

Subclasses of AbstractFilter in com.jmw.tzap.filters
 class AppendFileFilter
          Appends the contents of a file to the beginning or end of a buffer.
 class AppendFilter
          Appends text to the beginning or end of a buffer.
 class ExtractLinesFilter
          Extracts a given number of lines from a buffer and drops the rest.
 class FindAllFilter
          FindFilter searches for all occurances of a given Regex and can save the list in a file.
 class FindFilter
          FindFilter searches for all occurances of a given Regex and can save the list in a file.
 class FindMergeFilter
          Filter that compares the found values with an existing match file.
 class InsertReferenceFilter
          Replaces a series of file name reference in a buffer
 class MergeFilter
          Filter for merging several files.
 class ReplaceFilter
          Replaces a regular expression in a buffer.
 class ReplaceFilterPlus
          Abstract filter that allows some work to be done to part of a regex before replacement.
 class ReplaceListFilter
          Replaces all regex and match pairs found in the matchfile.
 class ReverseFilter
          A filter that finds a regex and replaces it with same value but reversed.
 class SplitByRegexFilter
          Splits a file each time a regex is encountered.
 class XSLTFilter
          Runs an XSL Transforation on a buffer