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› Filters› Savers› Groupers» Sequencers
› Sequencers› File Name Sequencer› Numeric File Name Sequencer› Partial File Name Sequencer


Sequencers are used by Text-Zap to create a sequence of files for filters which require a specific sequence. For example the merge filter must know the sequence in which the merge should take place.

File Name Sequencer

Sequences files alphabetically:

^topNumeric File Name Sequencer

Sequences files based on the first number found in the filename (this works best on a group of files that have a sequential numbering scheme, but start with different text values:

^topPartial File Name Sequencer

Sequences files alphabetically, based on a given part of the filename, delimetd by the prefix and suffic attributes.
For example, to sequence files based on a string between a - and an _ use: <partialFileNameSequencer prefix="-" suffix="_"/>

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