Creating your own filters is very simple, write a class that extends either IteratingFilter, or AbstractFilter and implement the necessary functions.
Let's say you want to create a new filter that adds the words Text-Zap
to the beginning
and end of each file. Here is how building this new filter should be approached. The code for this demo
can be found below.
, and have it extend the
IteratingFilter class (see the API docs
for more details about this class).doFilter
method. This method takes two parameters a StringBuffer
containing the text of the file, and a String which represents the files name. The file name can be
ignored. Append "Text-Zap" to beginning and end of the StringBuffer, and return it.
Here is the code that this example should look like:
package mypackage; import com.jmw.tzap.IteratingFilter; public class AddText_Filter extends IteratingFilter{ public StringBuffer doFilter(StringBuffer buffer, String fileName){ buffer.append(0, "Text-Zap"); //add text-zap to the beginning of the buffer buffer.append("Text-Zap"); //add text-zap to the end of the buffer return buffer; } }
Add the following line to your build file:
<taskdef name="addtext" classname="mypackage.AddText_Filter"/>
Here is what your new filter element should look like:
The following filters are meant to be extended:
This is the base class for all filters. It does not provide any services other than
loging back to Ant. View API.
This is the base class of most Text-Zap filters. It sequentially iterates over each
file. With this filter one need only implement the doFilter
View API.
A base filter that takes a regular expression and then does some processing to it before replacing it.
For a full treatment of this base class see
View API.
This filter breaks up each file into a number of others. To extend this filter one must
implment the split
function which takes a single file and should return an
ArrayList of FilterFiles. View API.