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Reverse Filter

Finds a regular expression and reverses the order of the characters. I found this to be useful when processing files containing Hebrew charachters which are not displayed correctly in some systems.

The reverse filter is an example of an implementaion of ReplaceListFilter.


regexthe regex to be searched forYes
ModifyGroupthe regex group that should be modifiedNo; defaults to 0 which is the entire regex
preGroupthe regex group that is not changed that will come before the modified group in the outputNo; defaults none,where this part of the regex is ignored
postGroupthe regex group that is not changed that will come after the modified group in the outputNo; defaults none,where this part of the regex is ignored


Searches for all occurances of 'abc' and changes it into cba
 <reverse regex="abc"/>
Searches for capitalized strings with numeric prefix, and reverse it
 <reverse regex="([0-9]+)([A-Z]+)" modifyGroup="2" preGroup="1"/>
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